
Friday, October 21, 2016

Why Am I Still On This Blog? (A question I asked myself as I read through my entries)

         Hiya, thought you'd seen the last of me huh? Well surprise! As a note, I'm sorry you can't get rid of me just yet Mrs. Joyner. So, either you read the title or you're genuinely wondering what the frick frack paddy wack I'm doing back on here and I'll answer in a second.

       Okay, so as I'm typing this I'm in study hall (just came from Spanish class) (edit: if you're new then you don't know that i tend to procrastinate and booyy i did that a lot on this thing. It's October 15ht and I started this last month heh, take it away past me!) , and in during both these classes I read my last entry (if you haven't read it, I think you should read it first I guess to understand I dunno) and I just wanted to give myself a shout out for being a liar. A humongus, rude, liar.

My time in Golf (and Hynes) wasn't trash (mostofthetime). In fact I prefer being there now than when I used to actually be in 8th grade. I am so sorry to everyone that thinks I was shaming Golf. And this isn't a "pity" post either. It's just calling myself out.

      Alright! Now that you know that much let me backtrack and rephrase everything.

The time I spent in golf was a range from frustrating to the best time ever. See 8th grade me? That wasn't so hard to admit was it? Right, so over the summer and even a couple of minutes ago I had time to think over what happened at the school. From the times where I would put white-out on my nails with Ariana because I was distracted in Mrs.Nelsons class to the time where Micah and Mercedes were waving at me from front row seats for the eighth grade play. Through 95% of the time that I was at golf middle school (which means from fifth grade until the last two weeks of eighth grade) I was depressed. Now it's weird for me to say that because a while back I thought I was "cured" but I wasn't and in all honesty now that I realize that, it makes my life so much easier. I'm going to revise my intro to my other graduation speech.

Hi, my name is Carolina. I'm 15 years old and when I was in sixth grade I hated everything "normal" for a girl to like. I hated dresses and skirts and pretty pastel colors. I really didn't like One Direction, Justin Bieber (some thing don't change trust me I still don't like him), super happy songs, and I hated living. I hated the thought of being fifteen one day because that meant a quinceanera was bound to happen, I hated going to church because religion was being shoved down my throat and I didn't want to be part of the religion if I had bad memories.

Well joke's on you past self because guess what? I love skirts and dresses, I love pastel colors (THEY'RE TOO PRETTY FOR THEIR OWN GOOD OKAY), I'm okay with One direction, and most of all I'm having a quinceanera. Isn't life funny that way? And you bet your copics that I'm going to wear blue or mint green or maybe even pink because screw you past self, all my life has been "i hate you" or "i hate the way this is" but not anymore because god damn it I deserve this, I deserve a lot after what I've been through and whoever says that I don't well my good sir or madame then that's your opinion. And I won't stop you from thinking that way. But from my perspective it's all over now, and in all honesty I'm laying all this (iM SO SORRY PEOPLE FROM SCHOOL THAT ARE READING thIS) shit from the past to rest because I don't need it and I never will. Not unless I'm telling my kids or my children's children that I survived a lot.

So to recap, I'm done. And I will forever done and I've never been more proud of myself for doing something like this.

Anyways, thank you to everyone I met in those couple of years I spent with the 67 district. I'm going to be making a new blog for my High School/Personal life experience because why the frick frack not?

So if you wanna keep dealing with my baloney then click on here!

And with that, all you lovely guys, gals, and non-binary pals (thanks Thomas Sanders) I will see you on my other blog.

    - Carolina S.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

8th grade graduation "speech"

           Y'know when you start remembering things and then suddenly you remember like the twenty third day of fourth grade? I feel like that's going to happen sometime through out writing this. 

                   Let me just start off with a basic intro, my name is Carolina, I'm in 8th grade and have been at the school district I come to for the past 4-5 years. My favorite colors are dark ones, I'm completely obsessed with bands, YouTubers, TV shows, Marvel movies (not comic books but movies), book series, etc. I have parents that are divorced, I hate when my nails are super stumpy and short, and when people chew with their mouth open I will literally punch them in the [insert things I can't say because school]. 
                          Now that we've got that covered I'm supposed to tell you about my experience at my middle school (or the whole 4th- 8th grade experience) and let's just get this straight, my experience here was complete trash. Seriously it's not even high school and I've had even worse scenarios in my life than actual book characters. I wouldn't be surprised if I have a worse experience in high school.  Of course just because it was (mostly) trash doesn't mean that there wasn't anything good or just plain out memorable. 
           Like the time some of the guys in my grade got blamed for when one of my friends threw their hot dog at the wall. I found that hilarious and didn't stop laughing for like five minutes, or maybe the time when I was hanging out with two of my friends (who were on a sugar rush) and we saw a red balloon drifting through the sky and suddenly one of them was on the floor laughing like crazy. 
       That was before all this trash happened and man I won't let my ex-friends live those things down.  I also dated someone (who I won't sell out) and we had a nice relationship, at least I thought so. That lasted for maybe two whole months. 

           This whole school experience was completely strange and such a roller coaster. From being deep into depression to beating it's a** it's been like one long (no offense but boring) strange step in my life. I mean nothing wrong with it I'm sure a lot of adults have mid-life crisis' and I might just a have gotten it a bit earlier or maybe there's something huge about to happen and I might be happy for a long time. In which case, cool! 

       But I'm gonna tell you something one of my favorite band lead singer said, "Remember to be your own freaking hero sometimes." 

        In all honesty he didn't say freaking but I tried censoring the most I could. Patrick has a point (the guy who said it) I can't count on a lot of people. Sure, everyone says,"go to adults!!!1!! They're going to help you!!!1!2!" But believe me when I say that no, I've been disappointed by all of the adults in my life at least once. I get it though, no one is  perfect, so I have to deal with some things by myself. I've been trying to pay and just make decisions by myself. 

       I love re-watching my favorite part of HSM over and over again but I needed to grow up pretty fast. With adults and so called "friends" who've screwed up to many times to my liking, I had to learn the fact that life is a [censor, well, if you can imagine a big black bar that has "censor" in blocky white letters then you've got it]. 

   On the bright side, a lot of people admire me for it. Most adults that I meet always say that I'm really matur for my age, so I'm glad I get that compliment. 

All in all I'm pretty sure that I wasn't supposed to give you my life story but it's got to do with the experience at my middle/very small elementry school experience. Now, it's currently 11:04 pm and I have some more homework to work on. 

 -Carolina S

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I'm Still Here

Hiii, so this week's blog is about how teens, or kids in general that kept a journal during the Holocaust. This is supposed to be a diary entry and so I'm writing it from my OCs (original character) POV instead of mine! Her name is Elizabeth and she has brown/black hair, she has brown eyes before this whole accident thing happened but that's not important right now :b 

March 12th, 1942 

Dear diary, 
        It's been 3 months since Ma and Dad left with Ross. I miss them, the last thing I remember is fighting with Dad. He said things I'm sure he didn't mean but that doesn't make it hurt any less. Ross left with a gigantic smile on his face but with fear in his eyes. Ross promised that he was going to find me and we would find each other again. Ma was crying the whole time, sobbing out her sentences, "be brave Liz, be brave" I couldn't look her in the eyes or else I'd cry, too. 

I'm being taken care of by our neighbors, they don't let me out. At least I have a friend. His name is Andy, he has blue eyes and brown hair but he doesn't believe in anything. He's safe I guess, but his parents are always worried that he's going to be taken away. Andy had a sister that was brown haired and brown eyed, everyone in his family is Christian or Catholic, no one has ever been Jewish. 

His passion is music and he's good at creating music, too. He likes to make stacks of pans and boxes, grabbing two wooden spoons and banging on them. 

"Bang the doldrums!" He would always yell, then his mom would always come in to the room and hiss at him to be quiet. I'd be next to him, laughing. Andy has three other friends that come over, Patrick, Pete, and Joe. Joe is Jewish, too. He told me that his friends and parents were in hiding but he manages to sneak out at night or during the day when people are gone. 

It's interesting how things work, one day people are smiling and being kind to you but then the next they're staring at you like you're cancer.

I hope my family is okay, I wouldn't be able to live alone if they died or got kidnapped or something. 

I have to go, dinner is ready, I'll write again tomorrow, and as always if anyone finds this, help as many people as you can. 

signed, Elizabeth Cuchki

Friday, February 5, 2016

One Picture. One thousand words

Patrick stared at Pete. Was he really expecting that the whole band is supposed to wear this? Is Pete okay? Of course this was normal, Pete is just full out strange but he was some how super close friends with him. Patrick's mouth opened and closed like a fish, his face flustered.

"You're kidding me, Peter Lewis Kingston the third, what in the world are you thinking." Patrick frowned. Pete snickered, Joe and Andy stared at each other basically thinking "what did we get ourselves into?"

"Oh, c'mon Patrick! It's not that bad! Here, if it'll make you feel better I'll wear the unicorn one. I wanted that one anyways." Pete said, placing a hand on Patrick's arm. Patrick glared at Pete, mumbling "I can't believe I'm your best friend."
The photographer came into the room, he didn't judge because he's photographed other people and boxes on a band isn't the weirdest thing he's seen. Patrick's face went pink, what was wrong with Pete?

After a couple of photos Patrick couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they all looked. Pete's confidence hadn't wavered eve a little from the moment he wore the stupid box, Joe looked bored with his monkey box, Patrick wasn't in favor of Andy wearing the cat box but knowing Andy he probably didn't even care. Patrick gently placed a hand on his "rabbit ears" giggling. Pete watched him, amused by his band mate, and he smirked.

"Tell me, Patrick,  are you enjoying it?"

"No....I just find it so stupid it's funny."

"Right, whatever you say."

"I'm serious! C'mon, Andy, Joe does it look like I'm enjoying this?" Patrick asked, playfully glaring at Pete who was just shrugging.

"Well," Joe started but Andy cut him off, "Yeah it does."

"Whatever. Oh, hey Pete?"


Patrick slowly raised his hand and tried to touch Pete's box. Pete raised his hand, blocking him from doing so.

"What are you trying to do?" He asked, then there was a click and a flash. Both Pete and Patrick looked over at the photographer, and the guy shrugged. The two boy's looked like they were deer caught in the head lights. Joe and Andy were posing, they knew they were about to have their picture taken so they just sat there. Patrick slowly put down his hand and eventually took off his box. He looked up at the man that was taking the pictures.

"I-I think that's e-enough pictures." He said awkwardly. Pete nodded, taking his box off, too. Eventually they all took it off and thanked the photographer. Pete strut up to the man, as he was putting down the camera.

"Email me that last one, it's great blackmail." He whispered and left. The man stood there for a second before laughing. What a strange band, Brendon thought.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Oh Amazing Food

Everyone eats. Doesn't matter if it's healthy, junk, weird diets, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, we all eat. If you've ever been terrified of having it stuck in your throat while slowly losing your breath and maybe passing out please raise your hand. I currently am typing with one hand. I will tell you a story about when I was little.

I don't remember all of the details but I have enough to tell you a good chunk of the story. So I was around five or some years old, no older than ten. I remember staying home, watching TV and Nickelodeon was playing reruns of Spongebob Squarepants. I remember waiting patiently for lunch that my mom was gonna make. Then suddenly-

"Caro!" My mom called for me from the kitchen. Now, Caro is my nickname just for your information. I rushed to her, I mean c'mon, what five or so year old doesn't like food? As soon as I found out it was chicken nuggets I was quite ecstatic, seriously, who doesn't like chicken nuggets? Especially dinosaur shaped? Being the small child I was, I went into my living room and laid down on the floor, continuing to watch Spongebob. Now, I'm not 500% sure how many chicken nuggets I got but all I remember what that by the third or fourth one, something got stuck in my throat. Whenever I generally take a big bite now that I'm older I try chewing it to bits and pieces terrified of the day that something lodges in my throat and murders me.

A five (or so) year old gets a chicken nugget stuck in her throat, what does she do? Panic for about five seconds before running to mom. I ran into that kitchen about as fast as my little legs could in all honesty. As soon as I turned the corner to tell my mom, I still couldn't breath and then I realized I couldn't talk. I thought I was a goner, so I started crying and I tried my best pointing and waving my arms at my mom to let her know that there was something that was stuck and it wasn't supposed to be there but she just thought I was being dramatic before she realized I was scared and crying. Yes, I did start crying because it was getting more difficult to breath by the minute (now that I think about it, I couldn't breath in the first place).

After much time being wasted my mom finally caught on and I was red in the face from crying and not breathing she led me to the bathroom. I'm actually not sure who did the Heimlich maneuver on me, whether it was my mom or my brother I don't know, but someone was doing it.  I eventually spit out the head of a dinosaur (never thought I would ever type that sentence but hey there's a first for everything) and I was finally breathing. I honestly don't care who made me spit it out but I'll thank them until the ends of the earth. I cried for a while after that. Moral of the story, don't trust those stupid dinosaur chicken nuggets. What an adventure.i have other stories but that's for another time.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Death Of A Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco

Okay not only is this band one of my favorites but they mean a lot to me. Their new album came about a week ago, and I couldn't be more in love. The album has 11 songs.

- Hallelujah 
- Victorious 
- Impossible Year
- Death of a Bachelor
- Golden Days
- House of Memories 
- LA Devotee 
- Emperors New Clothes
- Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time
- The Good, The Bad, The Dirty
- Crazy=Genius

My favorite would be Golden Days or House of Memories. This is the fifth album that Panic! has done and I have been a fan since their last album " Too Weird to Live; Too Rare to Die" and I'll be honest, I don't think that a lot of parents would agree that it's a really good album but unless they're into that then keep this away from parents. It has curses, and it does mention alcohol and stuff so yup, be warned. ANYWAYS, not only is the album really up beat ( not Impossible Year though, get ready to cry to that song ) but it's also super catchy.

"She said at night in my dreams you dance on a tightrope of weird." - Crazy=Genius

Like how could that not be catchy? Yeah, okay it drops curses but the point is that it also sounds like some jazz type-ish music and the beat is super cool.

"If you wanna start a fight, you better throw the first punch,  make it a good one." - TGTBTD

Still catchy, still gonna repeat this song like infinity x1 and  no one can stop me.

That's about all I have to say about this album, which is the censored version in all honesty. I would say that's a good thing but it doesn't fully show my enthusiasm about the album.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Movie Review - The Good Dinosaur *Warning: Mild Spoilers*

Okay, not only did this movie make me cry about 75% of the time, but The Good Dinosaur is ridiculously well animated. The fact that Pixar went all the way to add so many details is incredible. Most of the scenes ( which were outside ) made it seem so real that I couldn't help but question if they actually animated the movie. Enough about the graphics, the basics of this movie is: What if the asteroid that originally wiped out the dinosaurs didn't hit the planet? This movie tells about a story of a little dinosaur family that lives near a mountain. The family consists of a father, mother, two boys, and a girl. Poppa, Momma, Libby, Buck, and Arlo. Arlo being the smallest and the most vulnerable ends up getting taken away from the family farm. Arlo ends up meeting a small boy, who also is a "caveman", by the name of Spot (which was Arlo's name for him). Spot and Arlo who don't like each other at first, end up being each others company. Through out the movie it shows that Arlo is easily scared and fragile until the end where all the character development hits the viewer in the face. Alro over comes his fear and ends up helping Spot when he's in major trouble.

So all in all I think this movie was amazing and I would absolutely recommend anyone to watch it.