"You're kidding me, Peter Lewis Kingston the third, what in the world are you thinking." Patrick frowned. Pete snickered, Joe and Andy stared at each other basically thinking "what did we get ourselves into?"
"Oh, c'mon Patrick! It's not that bad! Here, if it'll make you feel better I'll wear the unicorn one. I wanted that one anyways." Pete said, placing a hand on Patrick's arm. Patrick glared at Pete, mumbling "I can't believe I'm your best friend."
The photographer came into the room, he didn't judge because he's photographed other people and boxes on a band isn't the weirdest thing he's seen. Patrick's face went pink, what was wrong with Pete?
After a couple of photos Patrick couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous they all looked. Pete's confidence hadn't wavered eve a little from the moment he wore the stupid box, Joe looked bored with his monkey box, Patrick wasn't in favor of Andy wearing the cat box but knowing Andy he probably didn't even care. Patrick gently placed a hand on his "rabbit ears" giggling. Pete watched him, amused by his band mate, and he smirked.

"Tell me, Patrick, are you enjoying it?"
"No....I just find it so stupid it's funny."
"Right, whatever you say."
"I'm serious! C'mon, Andy, Joe does it look like I'm enjoying this?" Patrick asked, playfully glaring at Pete who was just shrugging.
"Well," Joe started but Andy cut him off, "Yeah it does."
"Whatever. Oh, hey Pete?"
Patrick slowly raised his hand and tried to touch Pete's box. Pete raised his hand, blocking him from doing so.
"What are you trying to do?" He asked, then there was a click and a flash. Both Pete and Patrick looked over at the photographer, and the guy shrugged. The two boy's looked like they were deer caught in the head lights. Joe and Andy were posing, they knew they were about to have their picture taken so they just sat there. Patrick slowly put down his hand and eventually took off his box. He looked up at the man that was taking the pictures.
"I-I think that's e-enough pictures." He said awkwardly. Pete nodded, taking his box off, too. Eventually they all took it off and thanked the photographer. Pete strut up to the man, as he was putting down the camera.
"Email me that last one, it's great blackmail." He whispered and left. The man stood there for a second before laughing. What a strange band, Brendon thought.